One run at a time

#10 reason for doing the London Marathon: Age does not stop ambition

#10 fact about M.S: Most people diagnosed with MS will not need to use a wheelchair on a regular basis

Running is perhaps easier than blogging. One of the reasons I like to go out for a run is that I do not need to think. Or If I do think it doesn’t have to make any sense. Blogging is supposed to make some kind of sense, although this evening I am not sure it will…sorry about that.

Having said last week that I was slightly freaked out by meeting other MS Trust team runners, who all seemed more capable than me, I took on board the comment from a good friend to ‘grab the advice and run’ So I am trying hard to do just that. Whatever I manage to do is better than doing nothing. I am very much into one run at a time, not looking too far ahead. I see each run as an achievement in itself especially when the weather is cold and I am hurting somewhere (always!). Each blog is quite an achievement too. I think about things to say during the week and they seem really important or funny or interesting. When it comes to sitting and writing it isn’t quite so clear. I will keep at it , just like the running.

I am still having trouble with my shoes. My newest new pair rubbed dreadfully, although they felt better on my toes! But rubbing is definitely not good and so am going to go back to Sweatshop again and reconsider my options. Will I ever find the perfect shoe?

Fundraising activity is hotting up. Two new events on the horizon, an art show and a coffee morning. Photos to follow I hope. GREAT EXCITEMENT I have raised my first £10000.!!

Check out my fundraising page here.

New, new running shoes

#9 reason for doing the London Marathon: To know what it feels like

#9 fact about M.S: It is neither infectious nor contagious

I need to make this a quick one.

Having spent several hours today exchanging and buying new running shoes, as well as going for a run,doing my stretches (not enough) and a few (not enough) strengthening exercises, I feel I have devoted enough time to my running for today. But my resolution was to write my blog regularly each week, so I am going to do that!

I was at an MS Trust reception last night and was given advice by a nutritionist, physio and a seasoned marathoner. It was informative and enlightening and also rather scary. I was reminded of the feelings you get before you do exams when you dare to discuss  your revision strategies or lack of them to your fellow students. You discover that everyone else is doing so much more and seemingly so much better! I have to keep in my mind that everyone is running their own race in their own way.My way is the slow way.

The fundraising is moving onwards and upwards…but the website is under maintenance tonight so I cannot link it, but I think it is close to £1,000…Yipppeeee!

New shoes and Beet Shots

#8 reason for doing the London Marathon: I can run on car free London roads

#8 fact about M.S: It is not a fatal condition

I am keeping up with my resolutions and I am feeling a lot better this week both physically and mentally. I really am making a big effort to eat better, am eating more protein and am enjoying using different grains in my meals. I have been eating less wheat and I definitely think that helps as I am feeling a lot less bloated. One of the other recommendations I was given was to take beet shots before a long run. To me, all the runs seem long but I have started to use them for any run over 50 minutes. They are apparently the endurance-boosting sensation of the last few years! Somehow I seemed to have missed out on that, although I have always been a big beetroot fan. So I will give it a try. What do I have to lose? Well, money I suppose. One thing about trying to keep healthy and keep running is that it seems so expensive!

I have also bought a new pair of shoes. For years I have been trying to buy black running shoes. It seems that women are only really allowed to have pink or purple running shoes. So I was quite amazed to be offered a pair of black Asics (Gel Kayano 21) at Sweatshop in Fulham. I had previously tried on the multi coloured pair and started to quite like them but after having moaned for so long that there were never any black ones I had to put my money where my mouth was and go for the black. I hate buying running shoes. It feels so difficult to get it right. I need something supportive and cushioned..but not too supportive and not too cushioned. I don’t want pink shoes and I don’t want ugly shoes! I am not entirely happy with the fit of the shoes and may need to take them back. With shoes fitted by the experts at Sweatshop you get a guarantee that ‘means you can run in your new store-fitted shoes for up to 30 days and if you’re not completely satisfied we’ll exchange them for a new pair, whatever the reason. We promise.’ So that gives me a bit longer to try them out.

Fundraising seems to be going well. Check out my page here

Exciting preparations for the 2nd Annual Red Carpet Oscar Party on February 22nd are underway in Friday Harbor Washington, USA . Courtney Oldwyn, the organizer writes. ‘This year we’re raising money for Multiple Sclerosis Research. All proceeds will be donated directly to MS research through Islander Booboo James’ sister Julia James who is running the London Marathon as a fundraiser for MS research. We’ve chosen to raise money specifically for research of Multiple Sclerosis as a way to honor our friend Chris Redelsperger who at age 27 was diagnosed with Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis, the most debilitating and under researched type of MS’

Additionally Rachel Franklin is organizing a soup and salad lunch for her Art Class and I have invited friends for a supper at home and asked them to donate what they would have paid in a restaurant to MS trust.

More fundraising news and updates on the effectiveness of Beet Shots next time

Resolutions and more…

#7 reason for doing the London Marathon: I can have sports massage

#7 fact about M.S: Everyone’s MS is different


It is so long since I last posted, that I feel quite embarrassed. Perhaps for some, my silence may have come as a bit of a relief. Perhaps you assumed I was no longer planning on running in April. I think I probably have had that thought in my mind over the last month and more. Can I really do this? Can I sustain the training? Can I avoid (serious) injury? Can I fulfil my fundraising commitments? I have kept up a modicum of fitness and managed to get through Christmas and New Year without totally over-indulging and now of course is the time for resolutions. So, I have resolved to be more positive! I will do this! I can do this and yes it will be hard.

So my resolutions are…

  • Eat better
  • Stop drinking alcohol
  • Keep training
  • Blog weekly
  • Fundraise
  • Run/ Walk the London Marathon

..and I am doing those now, in that order!

I am eating better. Have been given advice on good nutrition so am including a lot of beetroot into my diet. This is no hardship as I love beetroot. Am also cutting out wheat and trying new carbs such as buckwheat and amaranth. Have some new cookbooks with super healthy delicious recipes so am not feeling in any way deprived, just enjoying trying some new delicious dishes

I have also stopped drinking alcohol. I always do this in January and always look forward to how good it makes me feel! This year I will stay off the drink till after the marathon, which will be an extra achievement.

I am on week 2 of my official training plan. I am following a beginner’s run/ walk programme. I will run 3 times a week and also keep up my swimming and cycling when possible. Also have some weights and stretching and Pilates to fit in. I am finding the runs hard but I do at least feel I am recovering quickly so that must be a good sign. Have bought a new pair of running shoes today so am hoping to feel super springy when I go for my next run.

I will blog weekly!!

I have done no official fundraising since November. However, money is coming in. Check out my progress here

But, I do need to make more effort now that the race is looming. I will be chasing up all offers for fundraising activities offered (emails coming soon to my elite supporters…and please let me know if you would like to join them!)

I have been blown away from support from my family and friends in the U.S. Courtney Steed-Oldwyn who lives in Friday Harbor, Washington State is holding an Oscar Night party with proceeds to MS Trust. I so wish I could be there on the night as it sounds like it will be an amazingly fun event. My sister Boo- Boo will be there to represent me and I hope to Facetime while it is happening. Our Mother would have loved it! She was a real film fan and she also had many happy holidays times on San Juan Island. What a fitting tribute to her.

My son Sam was going to grow his beard and fundraise…he changed his mind about that! He has now offered his fee for a freelance article he is writing for the NUJ. I am so touched by his kindness.

More fundraising stories to come I hope. If you want to join in the fun, please let me know. Look at all the wonderful resources I have!

So, I am going to run/walk the London Marathon.According to

‘running a marathon is an inspiring and life-affirming event that will stay with runners forever.’

Will let you know…